
Remote Learning Protocol

The following principles, informed by the DfE’s requirements in respect of remote learning, underpin our approach:

 Planning will be informed by the feedback from previous remote learning

  • Pupils from Year 1 to Year 6 will study the full range of subjects, where possible.
  • Pupils will learn new facts and concepts, as well as completing activities that reinforce their prior learning.
  • Those who cannot attend school will access similar learning to that which their bubble is completing within school.
  • Activities will be varied and not solely consist of ‘screen time’; for example…
  • Teachers will have access to a wide variety of resources to share remotely, such as White Rose, Cornerstones Resources, StoryTime phonics.
  • Staff will have the training they need to provide online learning safely, including the use of Teams.
  • All pupils will have access to the resources they need to learn. We will ensure this by calling each family at least weekly, and having a dedicated email address support@townley.cambs.sch.uk for additional support
  • Pupils will access remote learning resources as part of in-school delivery, so that they become used to these ways of working, by using Teams in school during the first half of the Autumn Term.
  • SEND will not be a barrier to accessing the curriculum at home, because the school will work in partnership with families. Children with SEN laptops will be able to have these at home. Work in partnership with other agencies will continue. Children with EHCPs who are non-verbal will have access to video calls, or socially distance doorstep visits by a key member of their support staff (TA/class teacher/SENDCO/Headteacher as appropriate). Annual views will take place virtually where parents are happy for this to continue.
  • COVID catch-up funding will be used effectively to support children who have gaps to provide intervention, online tuition, additional teacher time as appropriate for individuals. This may be in school support during the day, or online after school if the bubble is still open and only a small number of children are being educated remotely. These groups will be dynamic and change according to need.
  • Staff workload will be managed by school leaders talking to staff, ensuring there is ongoing communication and opportunity for staff to feedback any concerns
  • Leaders will measure engagement in remote learning by monitoring assignment feedback via Teams and through discussion with class teachers and use this information to review provision and make changes as necessary.
Guidance and links for parents and carers can be found here. The class pages on the website include the links to the class Teams pages, as well as the learning for class that term. Please get in touch with us if you need guidance or support to access this learning. Parents and carers have been emailed video tutorials and guided to using Teams, as well as information detailing how to use Teams. If you need duplicates just ask.
Below is our Remote Learning Protocol as well as Education Endowment Foundation resources used to support remote learning.