Proposal to establish a new Special Education Needs and Disability (SEND) provision at Townley Primary School consultation can be found here -

Governing Body Core Functions

While Governors hold responsibilities for monitoring the progress of the Annual School Improvement Plan, we have to ensure that we follow the main purposes of Governance. All Governing Bodies have three core functions which are listed below.

Our actions to fulfil these three key functions for the academic year are summarised below




     DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2021/22 


Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction




  • The School Improvement and Development Plan drives all of the priorities for the year so we will be checking that timely progress is being made – each Governor has particular responsibility areas to work on
  • The SIDP is expanded this year to include measures in place to manage the Covid pandemic and safe school opening. Governors have an action plan in place to monitor this across the year.



Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the effective and efficient performance management of staff


  • Governors will meet with the Head and LA advisers to scrutinise data and raise questions to make sure that every child is receiving the best education we can offer. Following lockdown, we will monitor how effectively teachers are planning to close the ‘gaps’ in education considering the variable experiences of our learners during lockdown. We will ask how those children needing additional support, for whatever reason, are able to access this.
  • Governors will be involved in setting targets and appraising the performance of the headteacher. We will also consider anonymized information to ensure that Performance Management processes are implemented equitably and stringently across all staff.
  • We will meet with teachers responsible for leading key curriculum areas such as English and Maths.
  • We will focus on reading and how the use of books and resources in school can be safely managed whilst raising standards in reading.



Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.

  • We are sensitive to the Wellbeing issues brought to the fore by the pandemic and how this may impact upon school staff and learners. Governors have appointed a Wellbeing Governor to take the lead in monitoring how the Leadership team will support these needs, and how the Governors will take responsibility for the wellbeing of our Headteacher. This provision to be incorporated into the School Budget.
  • Our EYFS outdoor area is much improved following repair work during lockdown.  There will be costs here to agree or put on hold as the school continues to bid for a new EYSF Unit.
  • We will monitor how effectively Pupil Premium funding is used to support more vulnerable pupils and raise achievement
  • Chair of Governors will meet regularly with school Finance Officer to discuss the budget and any areas of overspend. School Finance Officer to present regular reports to Full Governing Body