Proposal to establish a new Special Education Needs and Disability (SEND) provision at Townley Primary School consultation can be found here -


The administration and management of admission and appeals arrangements to our school is dealt with by Cambridgeshire County Council.  The reception admissions policy and criteria for each school, together with an application form, are available from the County Council Admissions Team and must be returned to them.

 Admissions Criteria for Reception

The governors agree to accept the policy guidelines on admissions produced by Cambridgeshire County Council. The school will enroll pupils up to its agreed overall capacity and annual admissions limit.

The Over-subscription Criteria

Oversubscription Criteria for Community and Voluntary Controlled schools

Children who have a Statement of Special Educational Need (SEN) / Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) that names the school will be admitted. NB. Those children with a statement of SEN / EHCP that does not name the school will be referred to the Statutory Assessment Team (SAT) to determine an appropriate place.

1. Children in Care (CIC) and Children who were previously in care (CIC) but ceased to be so by reason of adoption, a residence order (now known as a child arrangement order) or special guardianship order ;

2. Children who appear to have been in state care outside of England and ceases to be in state care as a result of being adopted.

3. Children living in the catchment area with a sibling at the school (or partner infant/junior school) at the time of admission;

4. Children living in the catchment area;

5. Children living outside the catchment area who have a sibling at the school (or partner infant/junior school) at the time of admission;

6. Children of members of staff, providing that they have been employed for a minimum of two years and/or are recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skills shortage.

7. Children who live outside the catchment area, but nearest the school as measured by a straight line. In cases of equal merit in each set of criteria, priority will go to children living nearest the school as measured by a straight line.

Joining the School in Reception Year

Please note there is no automatic transfer from Townley Nursery to Reception - applications must be made in all cases through the local authority.

Starting school is a very exciting and daunting time for you and your child.  We, as a school, will work with parents individually to ensure it is both positive and rewarding.

Pupils are admitted to Townley Primary School main school in the September of the academic year in which they are 5.  During the previous summer term, visits take place to support children to become familiar with the routines and environment of the school.

If any parent/carer would like a paper copy of any of the information here please contact the school office and we will provide it free of charge.

Tina Chisholm
School Secretary

In-year applications (moving schools)

If you are moving into the area and would like a place at Townley School you should always apply for a school place through the Local Authority's School Admissions Team 

For admission to Townley Nursery please contact the school office on 01354 638229. Admission into Nursery is from age 2, dependent on numbers and staffing ratios.