Proposal to establish a new Special Education Needs and Disability (SEND) provision at Townley Primary School consultation can be found here -

About Forest School

We are extremely lucky to have three level 3 trained forest school leaders in school. Each class gets 12 one hour sessions of forest school each academic year, starting in October 2022. 

Emperor and EYFS have been our pilot classes and we look forward to introducing it to key stage 1 and Emerald Class after Easter. 

Townley Forest School promotes the development of a relationship between the participants and the natural environment to support and transform relationships with themselves and others.  The Forest School ethos follows the six Forest School principles. Our aim is to promote the holistic development of the participants offering social, physical, intellectual, communication, cultural, creative, emotional and spiritual dimensions for personal development. 

Townley Forest School is based on a learner–centred, pedagogical approach that is responsive to the needs and interest of learners. Play and choice are an integral part of the Forest School. Learning process and free play are recognised as vital to learning and development. Practitioners and supporting adults are all part of the learning community and view themselves as learners. Projects are participant driven and whilst national curriculum outcomes may be met, they are not the drivers behind a specifically delivered content