Proposal to establish a new Special Education Needs and Disability (SEND) provision at Townley Primary School consultation can be found here -

Our School Uniform

The school uniform

Our school uniform changed in 2016 at the request of the children, who felt strongly that they were proud of our school and wanted to feel like they were part of the same team. We expect all children to wear the uniform unless a medical reason prevents them from doing so.

We have recently partnered with My Clothing so you can now order most of the uniform through the following website link.  Take care when ordering the jumpers, as the sweatshirt on their website is our PE top for the older children and school sweatshirt for the Nursery children, the 'v' neck jumper is the school jumper for the children in Reception through to Year 6.

The uniform is as follows:

School jumper is 'v' neck navy blue, this has the school logo on. White shirt and red clip on tie. Charcoal grey skirt or trousers. The tie and school book bag can be ordered through the school office, uniform is usually ordered from the supplier once a term. The same uniform is worn all year round. It is essential that uniform is named, as it is inevitable that clothing gets misplaced. Clothing which is not named will be donated to charity.

Nursery children can wear the school sweatshirt, which is available from My Clothing above.


Black Shoes (NOT open-toed toed sandals as these can cause accidents), NO Trainers.

If children wear inappropriate clothing to school this will be discussed with the child or parents as necessary.


Only one set of stud earrings may be worn in school and the children must remove these for PE. One watch maybe worn, so long as it is not a smartwatch and the children are expected to be responsible for these.

We have second-hand uniform available to purchase in school, it is 50p per item. Please speak to Mrs Higgins or Miss Chisholm if you need any help with this.

Navy or black plain tracksuit bottoms, white T-shirt, navy or black sweatshirt and trainers (no football boots).
If children do not have appropriate PE kit, for health and safety reasons they may not be allowed to take part.

Swimming Kit

For swimming (in the summer term) children need a one-piece costume/trunks, towel and a brush or comb. All children must wear a swimming cap when using the school pool. These can be purchased from the office. Kit should be kept in a named waterproof bag.


Children may only miss PE on health grounds (for which medical evidence will be required), as it forms part of the National Curriculum and must by law be taught.