Proposal to establish a new Special Education Needs and Disability (SEND) provision at Townley Primary School consultation can be found here -


Townley School is rated as a 'GOOD'

12th May 2022

Dear Parents, Carers and Children,

As you will be aware we had a full OFSTED full Section 5 Inspection on the 29 and 30 March 2022. During the two days they rigorously looked at work in books, observed lessons, spoke with school leaders, staff, parents, children, Local Authority Advisers and Governors. We are absolutely delighted to share our report out come with you. A copy of the report, which you can read in full, is attached to this email. As you will be aware, our last OFSTED judgement was ‘Requires Improvement’ and we have now been graded as 'Good'. Everyone has worked extremely hard to ensure our school is ‘Good’ and it is fantastic to have inspectors agreeing with us. The report is certainly worth a more thorough read as it is overwhelmingly positive and reflects the progress we have made as a school.

Very many thanks to all of you for your continuing support in trusting us with your children, your support is invaluable in ensuring the best outcomes for our children.

Yours sincerely,

Sue Rudge                                                 Maria-Anne Higgins

Chair of Governors                                    Headteacher
Our last full inspection took place in 2022   
You can see our Ofsted reports here.
The School Data Dashboard provides a snapshot of school performance at KS1, 2 and 4.
Parent View is the Ofsted online website that offers parents the opportunity to express their views about their child's school. Parent View asks for parents' opinion on 12 aspects of school, including quality of teaching, dealing with bullying and behaviour.

If you would like to give your views on our school then please visit the Ofsted website at

You will also be able to see what other parents have said about the school.