Proposal to establish a new Special Education Needs and Disability (SEND) provision at Townley Primary School consultation can be found here -


At Townley we welcome children from the term after they turn 2 to 5 years old when they leave reception. 
We strongly advocate learning through play and have adopted a "planning in the moment" curriculum. This means learning is mainly child initiated, read more about it here. 
Children in the Early Years Foundation Stage learn by playing and exploring. It helps them to understand the world around them and to develop socially and emotionally. We encourage children to develop their independence by allowing them to make their own choices.
We are open Monday to Friday 9am until 3pm.
We offer two sessions, 9am-12noon and 12noon to 3pm. 
The children self register on arrival at 9am and are welcomed by the staff. Our nursery is run as an early years unit, with our reception children, under the direction of a qualified teacher. Child initiated play is encouraged within all area inside and out.
We offer a wide range of resources and activities that include sand, water, sensory play, mark-making, books, lots of opportunities for role-play, arts and crafts, construction and much more.
Children are encouraged to prepare themselves for outdoor play, whatever the weather. Please provide your child with a pair of wellies and waterproofs that can be left at nursery.
Aprons are provided for messy play and water, although this does not always stop children's clothing becoming wet or dirty, the messier they come home the better their day has been! We do ask that you provide a spare set of clothing that you can leave in a bag on your child's peg. Please do not send your child in clothing that you do not wish to become stained, we recommend all children wear the Townley nursery uniform. 
Snack is available throughout the morning and afternoon sessions. The children can choose from 2 to 3 different fruits or vegetables. They are offered milk or water to drink (please inform us if your child has a milk allergy so we can offer an alternative). 
If your child has an allergy to any food, staff must be informed. We do not allow children to share their food to protect children with allergies.
During the session, we have a nursery group time, where we all come together for a song or story. 
At 12pm the children staying for lunch or joining the afternoon session begin with washing their hands and  eat their packed lunch or school meal together with their friends in the Nursery Room.
At 3pm Children are collected from the classroom
Each child is allocated a 'key person' before they start nursery. The key person will arrange a home visit to get to know the child and his/her parents/carers in their home environment. This gives us time to get to know the child's likes and dislikes and gives parents/carers time to ask any questions they may have.
Alongside other staff, the child's key person will care for them, and observe their progress. Their learning journey will be updated by their keyperson 
Each child has a learning journal that we use to collect photographs and observations of their time at Nursery. 
Our floor book shows our child initiated learning, it is always available for parents/carers to come and see.