Proposal to establish a new Special Education Needs and Disability (SEND) provision at Townley Primary School consultation can be found here -

Free School Meals

Free School Meals

If you are in receipt of certain benefits your child may be entitled to free school meals, saving you up to £450 per year per child. This scheme is available for school-age children and to post-16 students at a school with a sixth form or college.

Did you know?

  • Families who are currently paying for school meals will save around £450 a year for each primary school child if they are entitled to free school meals.
  • Many schools have systems which mean it is impossible for other pupils to know who is receiving free school meals.
  • School children who are eligible for free school meals are entitled to a two-course meal worth approximately £2.30 for primary and £2.35 for secondary each day. 
  • When you apply for free school meals, you will also allow your child's school to receive Pupil Premium, which is extra money to support children from families on lower incomes. You can find out how we use our Pupil Premium here.
  • If your child is in receipt of universal infant free school meals (where your child is in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2), we recommend you apply if you believe you may be eligible for free school meals, because the protection will continue beyond Year 2.
  • Secondary school children who are entitled to free school meals might also qualify for help with school transport costs.
  • If you also have a 3 or 4 year old child who is in a free childcare place, they may also be eligible for Early Years Pupil Premium.

Find out more by reading the information guide relevant to you below.

Holiday Activity Fund (HAF)
We are pleased to inform you that the Holiday Activity Fund programme is being extended for a further 3 years following the successful national delivery during 2021. The spending review announced over £200 million a year for the continuation of the national programme to provide enriching activities and healthy meals for disadvantaged children, in receipt of benefits-related FSM, during school holidays. If you think your child is eligible for Free School Meals, and want to know more come and speak to me or you can find out more here. A letter has been sent home to families who are already in receipt of free school meals today