Proposal to establish a new Special Education Needs and Disability (SEND) provision at Townley Primary School consultation can be found here -

Instrument of Governance

This instrument was made by order of the Cambridgeshire Local Authority 15th January 2018.
Our school is called Townley School and Nursery and it is a Community Primary School.
We are called The Governing Body of Townley School and Nursery.

There are 8 members of the Governing Body who are either ex officio, appointed or elected.
(See separate page for the current Governing Body) All Governors give their time and expertise voluntarily, attending meetings at least 8 times a year and visiting the School periodically.

We have 5 categories of Governor:
1. Headteacher Ex officio.
2. Staff 1 Governor elected by all members of staff.
3. Local Authority (LA) 1 Governor nominated by the LA but appointed by the Governing Body
4. Parent 2 Governors elected by parents/carers of children at the school. 
5. Co-opted 3  Governors appointed by the Governing Body from the local community for their skills and expertise.
Term of Office
Apart from the Headteacher all Governors serve for a period of 4 years. At the end of their term of office Governors stand down and the following applies:
1. Staff Fresh elections are held. Previous Governors can stand again. Vacancies are advertised on the staff notice board. All staff are entitled to vote.
2. Local Authority Can be re-appointed by the Governing Body.
3. Parent Fresh elections are held.  Previous Governors can stand again.  Vacancies are advertised on the website and in school newsletters.  All Parents/carers are entitled to vote.
4. Co-opted Can be re-appointed by the Governing Body.
Our Remit
The Governors have a wide range of experience and interests in education generally and in Townley School and Nursery in particular. The key roles of Governors are:

1. to ensure our school has a clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction

2. to hold the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of our school, our staff and all our pupils

3. to oversee the financial performance of our school and to make sure the money is well spent

In addition the Governors:

• ensure our school is meeting its legal responsibilities

• make decisions about our school buildings and premises

• set and review our school policies

We carry out these roles by regular meetings as the Full Governing Body whose terms of reference detail the areas of responsibility. The Chair of the Governing Body visits the school regularly to discuss current issues with the Headteacher and other staff and pupils. Other Governors also visit the school during and outside the school day to gain an insight into the education the pupils are experiencing by talking to pupils and staff. These visits are not ad hoc but have a particular focus decided on at committee meetings.

N.B (Governors sit in on lessons but do not make formal observations of teaching standards)

Click on separate pages to view the details of the current Governing Body structure and organisation.