Proposal to establish a new Special Education Needs and Disability (SEND) provision at Townley Primary School consultation can be found here -


We believe that Lunchtime should be the highlight of the day for everyone at Townley Primary School.

School meals are provided by Aspens, they provide delicious, nutritious and healthy meals every day. Sharon is our cook, and she knows the children well. If you have any questions about meals please speak to your child's teacher or the school office in the first instance.

Meals must be booked and paid for in advance directly to Aspens here. For children in Year 3 to 6 school meals cost £2.50 per day. For Nursery children the cost is £2.00.

We want to help children gain a real appreciation for good quality food, where it comes from, how it’s produced and why healthy food is important.

We offer children a wonderful choice of hot food, fresh vegetables, freshly baked bread, fresh fruit, yogurt, jacket potatoes… there really is something for everyone.

Over the course of the academic year we provide an array of theme days, activities, cookery classes and charity events – these are advertised through the weekly newsletter.

We would really love to invite parents, grandparents and carers to come and dine with your children and experience first-hand the amazing food. Just let us know when you would like to come in. We look forward to sharing with you.

If preferred, children may bring a packed lunch. This should be in a clearly named, airtight container. Cutlery, such as spoons for yoghurts, must be provided as well as a beaker for water. If your child brings a drink it must be in a flask or plastic container with a well fitting lid (no fizzy drinks). Lunch boxes and drinks should be taken to the dining hall before school. Children are encouraged to have a healthy balanced packed dinner – no sweets or chocolate bars. Thank you.
In line with new legislation on food allergens, information is available, upon request, which details a range of possible allergens for each of the items on our menu.  Please contact the School Office for further details