Proposal to establish a new Special Education Needs and Disability (SEND) provision at Townley Primary School consultation can be found here -

Policy Documents

Our policies are reviewed regularly, our full policy list, including the date documents are reviewed and their next review dates can be found below. Signed copies of the policies can be viewed in school - we find that PDF versions are easier to read online than scanned copies.
If you require copies of any of our policies please contact the school office. Copies of all school policies can be found in school, please contact the school office should you wish to see them.
1. Acceptable_use_of_IT March 2024.pdf
2. Accessibility Plan Oct 2022.pdf
8. Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy - CAMBRIDGESHIRE - February 24.pdf
13. Drugs Policy February 23.pdf
17.Freedom of Information Policy Mar 22.pdf
18. Feedback and Marking Policy May 2022.pdf
21. Home School Agreement 2022.pdf
25. Lettings Policy Feb 23.pdf
28. Townley School Children who run away or are missing from school.pdf
29. Protocol for Children Not Collected March 2022.pdf
47. Teaching and Learning Policy May 2022.pdf
48. British Values Statement March 22.pdf
52. Manual Handling Policy and Procedure Oct 2022.pdf
53. Educational Visits Policy Jul 2022.pdf
54. Persistent Complaints and Harassment Policy Dec 2022.pdf
56. Physical Education Policy Jul 2022.pdf
62. Responding to Prejudice Related Incidents Policy 2022.pdf
16. First Aid Risk Assemment Sep 2023.pdf
9. Code-of-Conduct-for-All-Adults-8.pdf
16. First Aid Sep 23.docx.pdf
23. Policy for Intimate Care 23.pdf
30. Physical_Intervention Policy sep 23.pdf
37. Positive Behaviour and Anti Bullying Policy Sept 2023.pdf
44. Pupils_with_Medical_Conditions_ Sept 23.pdf
46. Whistleblowing-Policy-and-Procedure Sept 23.pdf
60. Surveillance and CCTV Policy.pdf
15. Equality_Objectives Statement Action Plan December 2023.pdf
10. Complaints Policy 2023.docx.pdf
3. Admissions arrangements Dec 2023.pdf
15.Equality Review Dec 2023.pdf
19.Townley School and Preschool governor expenses Dec 2023.pdf
20. Townley H&S Policy Appendix - Governor walkround checklist.pdf
20._Townley_School_Health_Safety_ Statement of Intent 23.pdf
41. Relationship Sex Education Policy Dec 2023.pdf
45. Use of Images and mobile devices Dec 23.pdf
58._LAC_Policy Dec 2023.pdf
59. Exclusions_Policy Dec 2023.doc.pdf
Celebrations at Townley.pdf
40. SEND Policy February 24.pdf
12. Data Protection Policy -Feb 24.pdf
SEND Information report January 2024.pdf
38. (Safer Employment) Recruitment-and-Selection-Policy-and-Procedure 24.pdf
14. EYFS Policy Jul 2024.pdf
5. Attendance Policy July 2024.pdf
7. Charging and Remissions Policy July 2024.pdf
63. Asthma Policy 2024.pdf
21. Home School Agreement 2024.pdf
43. Statement-of-Procedure-for-Dealing-with-Allegations-of-Abuse-against-Teachers-and-Other-Staff-and-Volunteers.pdf