Proposal to establish a new Special Education Needs and Disability (SEND) provision at Townley Primary School consultation can be found here -

School Improvement Plan

School Improvement and Development Plan
The school has a detailed plan for improvement which can be found below. If you have any questions about this plan please contact the school office for more details.
 Townley KEY Priorities on a page

Leadership & Management

How can we create a culture of high expectations, aspirations and excellence?



Quality of Education

How can we ensure our pupils are receiving the best standard of education that we can deliver?

How can we ensure all pupils reach their potential?

Behaviour & Attitudes

How are we equipping our pupils with the  behaviours and attitudes necessary for success in their next stage of education, and for their adult life?

Personal development

Does our curriculum extend beyond the academic and provide for pupils’ broader development?


How can we ensure all EYFS children are highly engaged in their learning?

Leaders ensure that teachers receive focused and highly effective professional development. Teachers’ subject, pedagogical and pedagogical content knowledge consistently build and develop over time.
Maintain the Quality of teaching across the school, so all children receive at least good teaching.

Maths –

Increase opportunities for retrieval practice.
Improve recall of number facts across all KS.


English –

Improve writing outcomes
Introduce Forest Schools across the whole school.


Attendance of those who are persistently absent improves.



Ensure a range of clubs are provided outside of the school day.
Continue to develop links with the community
Strengthen process in EYFS administration